saturday i went to musica republica, not really my thing but it was sooo much fun yeeeh. i danced, drunk, eat, laughed and listened to really bad music.
today i hang out with sweet sweet sweet faisal. wish i could opload a photo of him, but he won't let me.. hihi you should check out his blog:
"I hate Kate Perry! She's offensive to gay culture, I'm so offended. She’s just riding on the backs of our culture, without having to pay any of the dues and not being actually lesbian or anything at all. She’s on the cover of a fucking gay magazine.” - BETH DITTO
My name is Flo, and I’m 16 years old. I live in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I really like music, food, stupid horror movies, mango juice, French bulldogs, party hardy, art, concerts or festivals, boys and fashion. I’m a student at the Wolfert van Borselen and in my free time I meet with friends, draw, read or do yoga (hihi).